The wind farms are called Monlora I, Monlora II, Monlora III, Monlora IV, Monlora V, and La Sarda. There exists a total of 61 wind turbines, each of which has a unit power of 3.83 MW.
They are located in the municipalities of Sierra de Luna, Luna, Las Pedrosas, and Castejón de Valdejasa, respectively. All of them are located in the region of Cinco Villas, about 60 kilometres northeast of Zaragoza. The electrical energy generated by the wind turbines will be conveyed via a subterranean network of 30 kV. With this contribution, the substations will increase the power generated from 30 to 132 kV.
TRESCA Ingenieria was in charge of defining the:
- Preliminary studies and works
- Civil works to develop wind parks
- Electrical works
- The construction of 3 substations
- The construction of 2 evacuation lines

