Industrial consultancy
Financing a project is undoubtedly one of the most complex challenges for companies. TRESCA has designed a service to make this process efficient. A company’s liabilities must be efficient, and resorting to public funding is undoubtedly a good way to do so.
Public funding is a form of external financing where the financial means come from a national public institution or body.
One of the most common types of public funding is grants and subsidies, which are financial amounts not to be returned. Other forms of public funding involve the repayment of the borrowed money under more favourable conditions for the business project.
Public funding is a form of external financing where the financial means come from a public institution or body, usually under more favourable conditions for the projects. There are lines of public funding at regional, national and European level.
Processing of grants and subsidies
Grants or subsidies are free direct allocations for legal persons or entities for promoting a specific activity or action.
Regulations that set out the requirements, amounts, necessary documentation or guidelines for their concession are included in the regulatory bases published in the official journals at regional or state level. The application period shall start when the call is published.
TRESCAoffers its clients a support service to process, manage and justify aid intended for business start-up, investment, internationalisation, R&D&i, self-employment, personnel recruitment, as well as for enhancing competitiveness.
Energy Audits
Carrying out an energy audit is the first step towards energy saving. The aim of the energy audit is to have a roadmap, a plan of actions assessed in a technical-economic way, and the return on investment.
The execution of an ENERGY AUDIT involves the collection of data, information, analysis, proposals for action, quantification of energy, economic and environmental savings and, eventually, decision-making.
TRESCA has a procedure and a multidisciplinary team to carry out comprehensive audits and customer support in the implementation of energy saving and efficiency measures.
The Energy Audit is the recommended tool to know how, when and where energy is consumed in our premises or industrial processes. We should be aware that all facilities may include inefficient equipment, processes with improvable energy efficiency ratios, poor or inappropriate maintenance, heat or cold loss, or simply excess thereof released in the atmosphere that are not exploited; as well as the lack of knowledge of consumption habits.
Industrial Safety Audits of facilities
For over 20 years, TRESCA has been offering its clients the service of auditing the state of their facilities to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations on industrial safety.
For that, it has designed a number of procedures adapted to every process that allow:
- Study of existing facilities and applicable regulations.
- Determination of the documentary compliance concerning the facility (legalisation) and regular inspections.
- Determination of the “physical” compliance concerning the facility (actual state of facilities).
- Legalisation of existing facilities, by optimising resources and minimising investment.
- Verification and inspection of facilities. Support in the process and resolution of deficiencies. Comprehensive management of industrial safety.
- Integral management of industrial safety.
At TRESCA, as experts in industrial safety, we can take responsibility for these aspects, having the confidence of major industrial groups and the tertiary sector.
TRESCA, has extensive experience in the execution of energy audits and industrial safety audits.
Environmental taxes are those designed to tax behaviour that is harmful to the planet’s health. They are based on the “polluter pays” ” principle and are vital to slow down climate change. Institutions are Increasingly creating new tax rates and revising them upwards.
Each country has its own scheme for green taxation. Nonetheless, at international level, the main taxable events with environmental interest are:
- Emissions of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) produced mainly by combustion vehicles.
- Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions (the main cause of acid rain) especially produced by the combustion of petroleum products and the burning of coal.
- Waste management (domestic, commercial, industrial, construction, and so on).
- Noise produced by aircraft take-off and landing.
- Energy products (petrol, diesel, natural gas, coal, electricity production with fuels, etc.) whose combustion generates CO2 emissions.
- Sources of water pollution (pesticides, artificial fertilisers, acids, etc.).
- Land management and the extraction and use of natural resources.
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
- Ozone depleting products.
- Transport (registration, use, import or sale of polluting vehicles).
At TRESCA we have necessary expertise to adapt processes and minimise the impact of taxation on industry.
In order to keep global warming below 2°C or 1.5°C, all industrial sectors need to achieve emission neutrality within a defined horizon.
The international community has committed to achieving emission neutrality between 2050-2100 and, to achieve this, a path to energy decarbonisation needs to be mapped out.
In 2011, the European Union confirmed its targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050: between 80% and 95% with respect to 1990 levels.
The Paris Agreement, reached at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, includes the commitment to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions neutrality in order to contain the global temperature increase.
At TRESCA we have an Innovation team capable of analysing and using all available technologies and energies, both current and future, that are applicable in this period. Dispensing prematurely with nuclear, coal and natural gas energy, and ultimately with petroleum products between now and 2030 would mean jeopardising the economic efficiency of the transition or the security of supply, so a deployment and operation map, as real and reliable as possible, is needed.
The European commitment to reduce GHG emissions means that emissions in Spain will be limited to a very low level from 14 to 88 MtCO2. Este objetivo sólo se podrá alcanzar si el nuevo modelo energético pone en marcha simultáneamente las the following decarbonisation levers:
At TRESCA we have an innovation team capable of analysing and using all available technologies and energies, both current and future.
Major industrial groups, capital and small and medium-scale industries are taking steps to accelerate growth and their competitive position amid a rapidly changing risk environment.
In moving forward, it has never been more critical to optimise assets and invest in new technologies and more efficient processes. Circular process decarbonisation, digitalisation and optimisation are opening new forms of innovation in products and services to be launched on an increasingly demanding market.
The continued increase in product functionality, accompanied by data analysis, is helping industries to better understand customer needs.
Industrial manufacturers must now move forward and protect their business in a wise, flexible and scalable way through innovation.
TRESCA has the know-how and technical expertise within the company strategy group to help management bodies to explore market strategies, new projects, mergers and/or acquisitions. These decisions, transformed into investment projects and/or concrete actions, have to be planned according to the objectives, uncertainties and a risk map analysed in detail.
TRESCA has engineers and economists with the specific role of planners who, assisted with management software, establish action plans on the strategic lines of the company, generating the information needed for the stakeholder to act in an independent and coordinated manner.
Technological advances and the design of new industrial strategies are currently shaping the business world. Companies have to move more efficiently and swiftly.
Hence, they must, more than ever, have business management tools which enable them to model the budget so that organisations can control and anticipate the economic and financial situation.
The budget must have a more global vision, covering all strategic aspects and facilitating decision-making and naturally it must go beyond one financial year.
At TRESCA we take on these challenges and reinforce our clients’ confidence to make complex decisions in periods of uncertainty.
The internal management of a company increasingly focuses on planning, organisation, anticipation, preparation and analysis of any possible deviation. This control implies the prior execution of the whole budget process in which we must include investments in CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) and OPEX (Operational Expenditure).
CAPEX is defined as investment in capital goods to improve the company’s productivity, i.e. expenditures on the purchasing or renewal of fixed assets. OPEX is defined as expenditure on maintaining day-to-day operations (or capital goods) in order to run the company’s business.
TRESCA has professional experts in the preparation of projects and the creation of communication strategies enabling our clients to develop the narrative needed for the project to:
- Create social value.
- Resort to calls for expressions of interest or calls for aid.
- Turn the project into one of regional interest.
- Have impact on society.
The digitalisation process allows us to move from a model, what might be called traditional, in which all the systems and signals are centralised in a control room, to one in which data are recorded and shared, also enabling access to different control systems, not only from any location within the plant, but also from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. TRESCA has the necessary equipment and professionals to digitalise a plan and integrate it into a predictive system.