The builder Ainair has constructed numerous photovoltaic installations in the Central American nation, and entrusted Tresca with the responsibility of implementing the engineering.
TRESCA Ingenieria was in charge of the project, which included feasibility studies and environmental processing. The basic and detailed design of the system.
- Basic engineering for substations.
- Civil and structural engineering, including the:
- Earthworks
- Design and calculation of foundations
- Industrial architecture and design of facilities of the control buildings and substations
- Buried pipelines
- Electrical and electromechanical engineering, including:
- Design and calculation of the DC Power system
- Design and calculation of the AC Power system
- Design and calculation of the Medium Voltage system
- Design and calculation of the grounding points of the Battery Cells
- Transformer centres
- Planning of evacuation substation
- Planning of evacuation substation

