The Dhofar wind farm is the first commercially viable wind farm in the region,marking an important milestone in the advancement of this technology both in the country and in the region, thereby promoting further advancements for the further growth of wind energy in this region.. The plant is located in the region of the same name in Oman, approximately 150 km north of Salalah, in the middle of the desert.This location presents a significant challenge due to the distance to ports, the necessity of obtaining essential materials such as concrete and water, and the necessity of sustaining livelihoods in a desert area that is largely unconnected to civilization.
TRESCA Ingenieria was responsible for the definition of the project.
The park is comprised of 13 General Electric wind turbines with a combined power of 3.8 MW, a rotor diameter of 130 m and a hub height of 80 m, giving the park a total power of 50 MW with the capacity to generate around 200 GWh per year, equivalent to the consumption of 60,000 households. For the evacuation of energy, the plant has a gas insulated substation and a 132 kV line that connects to the national grid of Oman.

