The hydrogenation process is a chemical reaction known as a redox reaction, wherein the visible outcome is the addition of hydrogen (H2) to another compound. This reaction usually targets unsaturated organic compounds, like alkenes, alkynes, ketones, nitriles, and amines. The hydrogenation process is affected by the direct addition of diatomic hydrogen under conditions of pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
TRESCA Ingenieria was accountable for defining the procedure, performing the necessary calculations to ensure the correct fabrication of the equipment, its integration, and establishing the necessary utility connections to ensure its proper operation. A hydrogen storage unit is also defined to provide the plant and its connections with the necessary equipment.
TRESCA Ingenieria was responsible for the legalization and construction management of the installation as well as its correct integration. Ultimately, as these are prerequisites for the pharmaceutical industry, Tresca was tasked with overseeing the validation and certification of the hydrogenation process, specifically its integration with the final product.

