The Pena de Loba wind farm has a total installed power capacity of 24.42 MW. It is located in the municipality of Puentes de García Rodríguez. It consists of 37 turbines of 600 kw from the manufacturer Made. The mountainous topography as well as the towers height were an engineering challenge.
TRESCA Ingenieria was in charge of defining the:
- Basic engineering of the wind farm
- Civil and structural engineering, including the:
- Earthworks
- Design and calculation of plate foundations
- Industrial architecture and design of facilities of the control buildings and associated substations
- Buried pipelines
- Electrical and electromechanical engineering, including:
- Design and calculation of the DC Power system
- Design and calculation of the AC Power system
- Design and calculation of the Medium Voltage system
- Design and calculation of the grounding points of the Battery Cells
- Transformer centres (inverters + transformers)
- Planning of evacuation substation
- Planning of evacuation substation
- Planning of the manoeuvring substation
- Planning of the connection with existing substation




Instrumentation and control


site management and supervision