Tresca Ingeniería was responsible for the owner’s engineering of the construction of a hydrogen station for urban public bus transport in Madrid.
The future station, which is part of the strategic plan of Madrid’s Municipal Transport Company, will be located in the operations centre of Entrevías. It is an engineering project that covers the entire use of hydrogen as a fuel, from energy generation to compression, storage, and distribution. With this project, scheduled to commence operations in 2022, Tresca Ingeniería continues to demonstrate its status as a benchmark company in the industrial applications and mobility of green hydrogen as a novel means to achieve climate neutrality and the economy and industry decarbonisation.
This refuelling station for hydrogen cell-powered buses (which, at the moment, will fill ten of the vehicles at Entrevías control centre) will be a breakthrough in the use of new energies in mobility (both urban and medium and long distance) and a decisive and firm step forward in the decarbonisation process that will lead us to climate neutrality.




Instrumentation and control

