Oviedo, 30 March 2023. TRESCA Ingeniería presented in Oviedo the expansion of its business project to the Principality of Asturias on Thursday with an event attended by around 150 people and which analysed global power through geopolitics and energy resources.
For the company, established in León and also with offices in Madrid, the commitment to Asturias, as its General Manager Francisco Carro emphasized, is a “step we wanted to take because we know the potential of this region in terms of their people’s talent and given the possibility of providing services to regional industry and promoting the development of new projects linked to hydrogen and other new energy technologies.”.”
“We want to contribute to an efficient and realistic industrial development of the Principality and this is a crucial time in this regard.”
Carro also highlighted that TRESCA Ingeniería’s project for Asturias envisages the initial creation of 25 technical jobs in the region,but also a growth towards participating in the region’s industrial and energy projects and, most importantly, providing support to other territories.
For TRESCA, the establishment in Asturias has a clear strategic importance, since the region is rich in human talent oriented to industry and energy and, therefore, the Asturias team will build general capacities of the company in other regions. In the words of TRESCA’s CEO: “Asturias is a strong exporter of know-how and grey matter and we want to participate in that export to other places”..
With the establishment of TRESCA in the territory, the industrial and engineering power from Asturias in the new era of energy and industry is reinforced.
The lecture, entitled ‘Geopolitics and energy resources: an analysis of global power’, was attended by Marcos Urarte, President of Pharos and one of the Spanish representatives in the sectorial discussion tables at Davos Forum; Íñigo Díaz de Espada, Vice-president of CEPSA Foundation and President of the Spanish Committee of the World Energy Council and, finally, Eugenio Palomero, President of Itineribus and expert in strategic planning for business.
During his speech, Marcos Urarte said that “geopolitics will dominate the economy and not the other way around” and stressed that in “the near future there will be a different globalisation starting to take shape.” Hence, he called for companies and society to look at the world more “holistically”, as it has fragmented into three large blocks, with growing differences, being three blocks that will have no relationship with each other.” The President of Pharos also stated that “we have to look into the causes in order to understand why things happen” since if we look to the “consequences, these distract us from the focus”.
For his part, Íñigo Díaz de Espada analysed the current state of industry and its “total decarbonisation” process. He said that “we are facing an absolute paradigm shift with uncertainty in the short, medium and long term.” He also pointed out that “it is not possible to cover the increasing need for energy consumption and we have to stick to legislative requirements”. He therefore concluded that “hydrogen is playing a critical role” and this is where companies such as TRESCA Ingeniería (with vast experience in the development of technologies linked to this element) will be essential for the process being experienced since, in his opinion, “world energy consumption is determined by ecological and sustainable production, supply capacity and a competitive price.” He finally found that “oil companies, such as CEPSA, are transitioning from fossil molecules to green ones” and criticised the existence of a “real administrative complication in the green energy management.”
Eugenio Palomero, for his part, focused on leadership management and people with this ability to be responsible for the transition. He explained that a “leader cannot smooth what happens due to the speed of change” and this is why in the current context “the leader needs energy and talent” and anticipation of what might occur, a process in which TRESCA Ingeniería knows how to operate and has proved its working experience of two decades in hydrogen technologies, enabling it to become a leader when the time has come for the emergence of this element.
Attracting companies
The day was concluded by Belarmina Díaz Aguado, Director General for Energy, Mining and Reactivation of the Principality of Asturias Government, who expressed her “satisfaction” with the arrival of TRESCA Ingeniería in the region. “It is always good news when companies choose Asturias to expand and grow”, said the Minister, also adding that the technology company profile such as TRESCA is what “Asturias needs at this time” and the one “the Principality Government commits to” in the decarbonisation process of the industry.
Díaz Aguado thanked TRESCA Ingeniería for “choosing Asturias” and explained that the “Principality is taking steps to become a reference in the introduction of hydrogen as priority energy in the industry.”
Finally, also in attendance were the Director General of Employment and Training, Pedro Fernández-Raigoso, and the Director General of the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN), Carlos García, on behalf of the Asturian regional government at the presentation of TRESCA Ingeniería.
About Tresca
Tresca Ingeniería is a company from León that offers top services in the industrial engineering and consultancy field. With a consolidated track record of 20 years, TRESCA Ingeniería has worked in up to 30 countries around the world in key industrial sectors and has become an international benchmark company in new energy techniques, such as hydrogen and its derivatives.
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